Thursday, September 29, 2011

Granny's Mystery Stain

Today I want to feature two works by one "artist". Looking through their portfolio I must commend her for her positive body image despite not fitting the norm of beauty as defined by modern society, however, her pride has led her to some poor artistic judgments. This work is NSFW.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ghost Horse vs Jesus

Today we bring you a piece in which the "artist" joins their love of God with their love of horses in a photoshop nightmare they call "When you can't stand anymore".

The "artist" is one Horseloveringod over at Deviant Art. They thought to share personal tragedy with us by creating an art tragedy. In this they have taken perspective, shadowing,  depth of field, and taste out of the picture and replaced it with clipped images of a horse and cross that appear to be floating in a field. I would re-title this one "Ghost Horse vs Jesus". Click here to see the original with "artist" information on DA.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


So REM is calling in quits. Great run and I am sure their label is just counting the days until the Reunion Tour starts. So what better way to say farewell to a music and cultural icon than to see the artistic tributes people have made to it over the years.

First up is "Shiny Happy Michael Stipe" by AsStipetakeswing.
Done with colored pencils on notebook paper, this is surely going to be hanging on their Mom's fridge for a long time. I am just surprised that they didn't use a dose of glitter to reinforce the Shiny part. View the original and the "artist" info here.

Next is "Michael Stipe" by canneee572.

Now I will freely admit that Michael Stipe has a (to put it politely) an oddly proportioned face. However, he does not look like a frog as this "artist" imagines him. Maybe it is his fursona? Is it still a furry if it is not a mammal? View the original and the "artist" info here.

Next is another one named  "Michael Stipe", this time by Jeffica-Alice.

Did he have chinectomy? Is that poor shading or patchy shaving? And again with the red backgrounds. Do people understand how bad that looks? It's like drawing someone lying in a pool of their own blood. You get the FBI checking you out for that shit. View the original and the "artist" info here.

And now, Dear Readers, is the final and possibly the best one. Imagine Michael Stipe shirtless in outspace. Got it? Good.
This is "Michael Stipe" (again) by JesusOnTheRocks. Apparently Mr OnTheRocks things about Michael Stipes crotch, a lot. I was so taken aback by the size of the codpiece that I almost didn't notice the awkward shoulders. I know this is supposed to be done in a cartoon styling so the bizarre musculature is something I will overlook. But goddamn, look at the size of the crotch. Someone has a fixation. View the original and the "artist" info here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bonus - Tributes to the Glee Cast

Since Glee is returning with new episodes this week I wanted to do a quick feature of Glee Fan art. First up is "Glee- Noah Puckerman" by 201rubixcube.
I can only assume by this that in the coming season that it will be revealed that Sloth from Goonies is really his father. Original with full "artist" details found here.

Next is "That Girl From Glee..." by Seraphic79.
This is a really good example of how poor proportions can just turn a portrait into a horror show, and how bad shading can make your subject look filthy. She looks like she needs a shower, and an exterminator for whatever built that nest in her hair.Original with full "artist" details found here.

The third one is from that group of fans that want to see Puck and Kurt hook up. 
The "artist" is chocobowonder and they suggest viewing Puckert at full size so it does not look horrible. I tried that, then I tried some other sizes. I gotta say that it was not until I zoomed out so that it was the size of a gnat that it finally was not horrible to look at. This also represents the small but vital fan community that wants to see all the Glee kids as statues on Easter Island. Original with full "artist" details found here.

Next is "Moulin Kurtofsky" by Camunki. 
Most of you do not realize this, but Kurt is a serious bowler, and with a right arm like that I bet he throws a 20 pounder. The Dude would be proud. Kurofsky will be missing this season on the football squad due to whatever horrific accident mangled his arm and added all the extra extra bends and shortened it by half. And why the hell is Kurt's hat floating in front of his forehead? Original with full "artist" details found here.

Next up is Mergays by mimzythefairy. 
Kurt and Blaine as Mermaids/Mermen. I find it really not all that interesting that the most well proportioned part of this is the freakin tails. I think that this one largely speaks for itself. Original with full "artist" details found here.

And finally so that no one thinks that I have some vendetta out for Fan Art I wanted to present a piece that I actually like. 
"Glee" by daekazu is really well done. Each character is recognizable and has personality. The entire piece is really a nice homage. Original with full artist details found here.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Owls Stole Our Bones

With Fan Art you never know what you are going to get. You can, however, count on seeing some of the most epic Art Fails when fans decide to take up pen and begin to reinterpret their favorite characters and stories. Do not get me wrong - there is a lot of quality Fan Art out there, but you have to go through a lot of this to get to it. Since Glee returns this week I am feature a piece of Glee Fan Art.

In "Adventure Time Klaine 3" by CrissCross-d we see what it might look like, through the "artists" eyes, if Kurt from Glee was distracted by penguins (that look like owls) on his way to the Candy Kingdom at McKinely High. This is one piece in a series by this "artist" as Vampire Santana, Fin and his dog Puck, and the rest of the gang adventure through what is surely a really good acid trip. I would like to re-title this one "The Owls Stole Our Bones" since
View the original and all the "artist's" other works here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Little Spanish Inquisition Pony

Horses show up in art a lot. We have some natural affinity for them, and they have played a huge role in history both as tools of agriculture, industry, war, and even currency. I appreciate a good horse, I even live near several large horse farms here in Texas. Today we bring you a lovely horse by SilmeDragonStable.
SDS Elvara by SilmeDragonStable
This "Artist" apparently has an entire stable of fantasy ponies. Why this one looks so damn happy while it's flesh is being flayed off of it I do not know. And the back spikes, how the hell are you supposed to ride this thing? I wonder what horrific torture their rocking horse underwent when this "Artist" was younger. There is probably a toy chest full of abominations where fetlocks have been replaced by GI Joe guns or glitter barding has been affixed to them. I have decided to re title this one "My little Spanish Inquisition Pony" since it looks like the horrors of the church at that time have been wrought upon this fine equine.

Original with "artist" information and Deviant Art profile can be found here.

Monday, September 12, 2011

We Remember... until the next time you toss a ball

There is no doubt that one of the most disturbing sections on Deviant Art is the Anthro section. It is littered with furry art of every medium. Today's selection uses some photo manipulation to add sketchy cartoon puppy-people to a picture of the WTC memorial. They may not forget, but let us hope we do. I don't want this turning up in an Art History book any time in the future.
We Remember by Mottenfest
I want to know why the piece has one title on it's DA page yet another title embedded in it. It's as if the artist is as ADD as the puppy he chose for an avatar. If he truly wanted to combine furry art with memorial maybe he should have chosen an elephant. You do not see enough elephants in furry part for my money. I have decided to re-title this one "We Remember... until the next time you toss a ball".